We Are Jemez Valley Community Wellness
Free Your Mind, Body and Spirit
The vision is to offer integrative medicine to the entire Jemez Valley
and to subsidize those services for individuals who may not be able to afford them.
We view this vision as essential to our community as many residents travel over an hour to receive chiropractic, acupuncture, manual therapies, and other services for their health and well-being.
Community support is needed to further JVCW’s efforts and to help make this vision a reality.
Rural healthcare continues to be a challenge in all of New Mexico. Luckily, we have the
Jemez Comprehensive Health Center not too far and it is available to everyone.
The vision is to compliment and collaborate with JHHS and other
organizations such as Aging in Place and Jemez Sustainable Solutions.
We believe our health is directly related to the health of the planet.
If we can come back to the basics, including clean food and water,
as well as a sense of community, our health will improve. Prevention is the best
medicine, and we hope to offer educational classes on various health topics.
We are currently following the New Mexico motto, Crescit Eundo or ‘it grows as it goes’
so we have started out with acupuncture, naturopathic, and ayurvedic services a few
days a month.
JVCW is proud to be part of The Rose Center for Integrative Health. We are actively
fundraising so treatments can be continued for those in need of financial assistance and we can expand our services. We would love to have a medicinal herb
garden on site and offer education to community members about medicine making, food
as medicine, and other services, including mind-body medicine.